Category Archives: webissues

Anyone? Testing, testing… 1 2 3

Anyone besides Mark having trouble commenting here?  If you are, which means you can’t, shake your head real hard so I can see you.

Otherwise, email me and let me know, ’cause I gotta find out what’s going on here.  Just in case I write another post someday and you want to respond…

onewinkatatime@hotmail dot com


It’s been so long since I posted and WordPress has changed things so much that I’m not sure I know what I’m doing here. I started a post with the intention of publishing it later but can’t even find that option on my dashboard.  So I guess you could say this is a test post.

Sheesh. My bad.

Boo Spam

Sadly, I’ve had to disable the page I had on my blog all about one of my favorite bands.  It seems to have turned into a spam magnet. 94 hits this morning. It makes me mad. Why can’t life just be simple without all the little headaches? They seem to multiply day by day and contribute to one big headache.

Oh, how I long for the simpler days gone by… I don’t think I’m cut out for living in this age.

Going to try a little experiment. I’m posting a video of the band and see what happens. This post may or may not be here tomorrow, depending.


I like this only slightly more than my last attempt at finding a new look for my blog.  It’s becoming clear to me that trying to customize someone else’s idea of how a blog should look isn’t working for me.  I truly wish I had the tools (read: smarts) to design and present you with the Real Me blog.  There’s one more item to add to my Bucket List : )

On another note and in the same creative vein, PD and I are hard at work trying to get our living room redone in time for the holidays.  I must say, it’s looking pretty good.  The living room, I mean… not necessarily meeting the deadline.  It’s becoming clear to me that some other holiday preps are going to suffer due to the time it’s taking… things like gifts and wrapping and baking and things.  The carpet is due to be installed on December 2nd so that doesn’t leave much time for putting up the tree and decorations.  BUT this pretty much happens to me every year, one thing or another puts a crimp in my time frame.  And just like every year, it will all get done and the Holiday WILL happen and we will be grateful for times spent with the family and all the joy that entails.

In the mean time, if any of you have any free time laying around, you’re more than welcome to deposit it into my bank.  Every single second will be greatly appreciated.  Remember, the real Joy is in the Giving : )  Kthxbai.

TECHNOLOGY AND ME (then & now)

Something weird happened to me last night and I’m half afraid to tell PD. He doesn’t react well to certain things…

I decided I wanted to try the new Google Chrome.  I told him and he said  fine, put it on your laptop, leave the PC alone. No problem.  I downloaded it on the laptop. Might just be a coincidence but when I type anything, it comes up backwards.  Like if I wrote Numbskull it would come up lluksbmuN.  What the heck??? I haven’t turned it on today, kind of afraid to.

Did I ever tell you about the time… I was about 14.  Dad bought this huge beautiful console color TV that cost $800. That was a big deal then for us.  A couple of days later he brought this huge magnet home from work that someone gave him. It was about the size of my fist with a handle on it.  We kids were screwing around with it and I found out that if you ran the magnet across the TV screen, it would pull the picture and I was making people’s faces all contorted.  It was big fun up until… Well…. When I stopped, the peoples’ faces didn’t go back the way they were supposed to. I freaked.  Dad was working the night shift and wouldn’t find out until morning but I cried myself to sleep that night, worrying that I’d ruined that expensive TV. The next morning my mom woke me up to tell me the TV was ok when she turned it on.  So I’m hoping when I fire up the laptop, it will miraculously be ok too.  Wish me luck… I’ll let you know.


Robert Francis – Junebug – taratata

Confession:  I have an old-fashioned school girl crush on Robert Francis.  I’ve been listening to this song for ages and never get tired of it.  First I fell in love with the song.  Then when I saw what he looked like, I was all, like, WOW.  Sure, he’s a little wee bit scruffy but I picture him clean-shaven with a haircut wearing boots and a long coat kind of like this.  So maybe you can understand the appeal.  Anyway, I was excited as heck when the official video came out for Junebug.  I had already made up kind of a movie in my head.  Now I found the live version of the song and yeah.  Oh yeah.  It’s official.  Paul Westerberg and PD have nothing to worry about but I REALLY like Robert Francis.  And OMG when he says “Merci beau coup” at the end,  je vais cuckoo. (Il me faut un docteur.)   Il est chaud!

As you may know, I have a birthday coming up this weekend.  I’ve compiled a little of my own birthday trivia for your amusement…

  • I was born on Albert Einstein’s birthday.  And although Robert Francis and Paul Westerberg and Gael Garcia-Bernal and PD all hold places   (varying degrees) of importance in my heart, Albert is my hero.  (As is TC)
  • My birthday is pi. (3.14)  This is kind of a new development, but I now celebrate my birthday along with, or should I say, in conjunction withSteak and BJ day.  I’m quite anxious to hear your humorous, yet tasteful, comments about this…
  • I also share my birthday with Michael Caine and Liza Minelli.  I’m sure there are others but I grew up knowing of these two.
  • I am  Piscean and that means I’m about as cool as you can get, not to mention impractical, intuitive and mysterious.  But you knew that.

Ok, these bullets totally screwed up and I can’t fix them because I’m a Pisces and I don’t give a sh** because I don’t.

PS I got a comment that is, for all intents and purposes, spam. But I left it on my sidebar because it  made me laugh like hell.  It’s Mr. Fordinsnorkel or something to that effect.  Look over there in my side bar, read what he wrote and click on his name and prepare to LOL.

Update: Mr. Spam has decided to vacate the premises. Imagine that. Maybe I dreamed him up…


Everything is irritating the hell out of me lately.  iTunes has been down for two days.  Every time I come on here (the blog) I have to sign in again.  There has been spam in my comments queue.  I rarely get spam in there, haven’t had to sign in to WordPress in ages and have never been deprived of iTunes for two days in a row.  And these are all tiny little wee irritations.

Dry itchy Winter skin has me wanting to rip my skin off.  I’m tired of slathering on face cream and hand cream and body lotion. I’m sick to death of my daily routine.  I’m sick and tired of piling on clothes and wearing coats and gloves and bulky socks and scarves.  Heavy comforters and real pajamas are getting old.  I’m tired listening to people talk about snow and cold temperatures.  And these are all small annoyances as well, considering.

We’ve had a couple of warmer, sunny days here in PA and the excitement and relief is slipping away already.  I feel like I’ve been ruined somehow by this dastardly Winter that we’ve had and have not yet put behind us.  I find myself thinking that I can’t/won’t/don’t ever want to see another Winter as long as I live.  It took something out of me and I’m not sure what.  It made me tired, I know that.  I feel like I’ve aged 5 years in 4 short months (that seemed more like years.)   Depending on where you’re reading this, you may or may not understand.

Ok, I need to stop writing.  I’m on the PC and for some reason PD says the laptop won’t go online.  WTF. The good news is that my iTunes is up now…

I’m going to bed.  But first I’m having a drink to send off  Mark Linkous from Sparklehorse who died today.  That moved me way past irritable.

Sorry for the downer post.

Click on this link for my favorite Sparklehorse song.

Shade and Honey by Sparklehorse


I understand there is a new version of  WordPress out for downloading.  From what I’ve read about it (in the last half hour) I would very much- in fact, dearly like to do that… even after having read all the shit things I have to do in order to download said version of WordPress (2.8.4).  Only thing is, I’m scared to death.  Anyone willing to talk me through it on the phone or, better yet, do it for me for a pre-determined reasonable fee?  It can’t be that difficult can it?  I dunno, reading this page scared the bejeezus outta me.  I didn’t even know I had any bejeezus in me, but now my pretty computer desk chair is all covered with the stuff.

I’m easily overwhelmed with computer things like html and rss feeds and data codes and root  canals directories and just stuff in general.  Most of what I do know has been self-taught and came at no small cost to my self-esteem and hair pigmentation.  Not to mention tears and tantrums.  Well, maybe not tears, but most definitely mucho tantrumos.

So, consider this an implorance for help in this matter.  The response(s) I receive will determine who is and who isn’t invited back to read.

I’M KIDDING!!!  But only about that last paragraph.


So I come on here this morning and I had some mail to read.  There were a couple of weird things in my mail which turned out to be invitations to be friends with people from that nablopolamalooza thing that I attempted and failed at last month.  Firstly I thought, geez, people you’re a little late, that was last months news.  Anyway, I clicked on the invites and they were some of those weird people who claim to make tons of money on the internet doing weird things and I followed my usual impulse to click the delete button.  There was a bunch of negative people also leaving weird religious messages about tragic crap and of course they were followed by comments such as “get a life” and crap like that by people who piss me off by using the internet to spew their weird psychotic tendencies because they have nothing better to do with their life.  I realized that I’d wasted 5 minutes of my precious morning and just went on the nablopolamalooza site and spent 5 more precious minutes trying to find out how the hell to be an unmember of the whole stupid thing.  But I got out of there and deleted my badge which never showed up correctly on my sidebar anyway.  So don’t look for me to be signing up for any of that weird crap in the future.

So there.

Anyway… it’s a beautiful morning and I’m waiting for PD to wake up so that we can get on with our day.  We’ll most likely attend a huge annual Labor Day celebration at a park near our home which we usually attend.  There are rides for the kiddies, pretty good food which is bad for you, a giant flea market, music, sometimes a celebrity or two, a petting zoo, some artists displaying their work and some nifty port-a-potties with running water so you can actually wash your hands.  It’s all sponsored by assorted Labor Unions.  More often than not, we get sunburns and end up buying a bunch of stuff we don’t really need and seeing a few people that we haven’t talked to in ages and get some exercise walking the whole length of the park to search for wherever we left our car.  But it’s fun and it’s a tradition.  Oh yeah, they have all-day Bingo too, for those people who think that’s what celebrating Labor Day is all about.  Which I’ll never understand, but who am I to judge?  The sunburn thing makes more sense to me.  What’s a good holiday without a sunburn?

You enjoy your weekend and be safe.


As you know, I’ve been trying to get a decent picture of my little furry friend in the backyard.  PD would argue that the little guy is HIS friend, being that he’s been teaching him tricks, giving him treats and potty-training him while I’m at work.  Isn’t he cute?




I must say and I’m even going to brag that I’m getting way better at posting photos.  Huh, Mark?  I mean, Baron. 😉

PD says the bunny is getting too tame.  He sat for about 15 photos and didn’t seem bothered by me at all.  I hope no kitty cats in the neighborhood get any ideas.

I was very happy to find myself taking pictures of a bunny instead of cowering in the basement, it seemed for awhile that we were in for a heckuva storm.  I saw a streak of lightning on my way home from work that would rival anything Spielberg coulda’ cranked out.  And besides, I’m home alone.  Because…

PD and Michael, the son, went to meet JuJu to kidnap the grandson, Julian!!! Yippee!  I’m going to ask him (Julian) if he’d like to guest post while he’s staying with us.  No, I’m not trying to cheat NaBloPoMo, I just think it would be fun.  I can’t wait to spoil see him 🙂

Ok, I’m going to go take a nap until the boyz get here.  PD wouldn’t let me go with them because I need my beauty rest. to get some sleep so I can get up for work in the morning.  If you read my rant, it will all make sense.